Monday, November 3, 2014


Do you feel energized and empowered by tomorrow's mid term elections?

Can't blame you if you don't. The deck is stacked against you. Even if control of the Senate changes, nothing of substance will change. Much as we may dislike or mistrust them, we can't even blame our representatives in Congress for the gridlock and dysfunction. The flaws are in the political system, notably:
  • The money influence in politics
  • The two party system
  • The election system
  • The lack of a national strategy
These flaws put the nation at risk. Without solutions for the problems that beset us: inequality and lack of upward mobility; the national debt; the de-funding of our entitlement programs and pensions; our education deficit; the cost of our healthcare; a failing immigration policy; and a crumbling infrastructure, America is at risk of losing its relevance as a global leader for progress. But it is a pipe-dream to think that in the current constellation, without addressing the four flaws in the system, the executive and legislative branches of government can come together to provide the solutions the nation needs.

That is the message I convey in my book NEITHER HERE NOR THERE.

Do you share my uneasiness and want to do something to contribute - if nothing else - to a national dialogue?

A good place to start is sharing (the message of) NEITHER HERE NOR THERE with your network of opinion makers and thought leaders. You can most effectively do so by your use of social media and sharing the link 

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