We are a great country
and we should be governed as a great country (Olympia Snow).
With all the
tweeted one-liners and on the spot reactions to the ‘breaking news’ of the day
grabbing attention, how refreshing is it to hear a new generation politician
speak for over an hour, impromptu, in a coherent, erudite, never faltering,
fashion about the real issues of our time. This happened on June 2017 when
Tyler Cowen, author and Economics Professor at George Mason University,
interviewed Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska in front of a public audience.
Senator Sasse has been attracting attention recently because of his book “the
Vanishing American adult” and the publicity that comes with it. Also, because
of a range of provocative−in a positive sense−mind challenging speeches on and off the floor of the US Senate.
This interview was not the run of the mill, morning show, three-minute segment,
squeezed between two commercials, but a probing, wide ranging, inquest into Ben
Sasse’s views on what ails this nation and what to do about it. Senator Sasse’s
answers did not come in the form of a carefully scripted speech read from a
teleprompter. He gave real-time, unrehearsed, response to tough questions from
a highly competent interlocutor. Absent in this interview is any gratuitous
commentary on the current political reality. It is all forward looking,
representing ‘the long view’. You can find the interview here https://medium.com/conversations-with-tyler/ben-sasse-tyler-cowen-book-twitter-trump-cb5b4a435323
If you missed it, it is worth retrieving. It represents a rare−and hope giving−event in our current dispiriting
political scene.
If you have
the interest of the nation at heart, nothing can be gained by remaining
pre-occupied by the daily theatrics of the main players on the political stage,
as attention grabbing and addictive that may be. We need to do what Senator
Sasse does so well in this interview: focus on the future and start looking for
solutions to the serious problems that beset the nation. That is what I set out
to do in my book “NEITHER HERE NOR THERE” written three years ago, but today
even more relevant than it was when it was published. In it, I pleaded for a
constitutional amendment, requiring from the President and the leadership in
Congress to establish a national strategy. Without a long-term plan, there is
no expected outcome and it is, therefore, not surprising that, for decades now,
all that comes out of Washington DC is regulation and short-term policy. Note
that recent administrations have declared “war” on a number of national
challenges—like the war on poverty, the war on drugs and the war on terror—but
they have not bothered to rally the nation behind any particular national
objective. And thus, these wars fester on without ever achieving a strategic
Without a
doubt, the growing inequality between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots’ in today’s
American society is at the root of all the discontent and dysfunction we encounter
and are confronted with daily, courtesy of our social media and cable TV. It
has also produced the current White House and ‘leadership’ in Congress. Inequality
manifests itself everywhere it matters: in income, in wealth, in the workplace,
in education, in healthcare, in housing, in criminal justice, in sports and recreation.
The best in all of these areas is reserved for an ever-shrinking proportion of
our population. And the worst is never experienced by these happy few, but is
the daily reality of the ever-growing lower tier Americans. Yet, where is the
first serious attempt, in the White House or the Congress, to acknowledge the
problem, declare this injustice as un-American, and come up with a strategy to turn
it around?
political system, as it operates today, is no longer capable of coming up with broad
initiatives that can remediate the problems we encounter. It is not even coming
up for discussion, in large part because there is no open policy debate between
the parties. And, even if there was such debate, there would be no money to
fund broad initiatives, as the political reality only permits tax cuts, ruling
out tax increases of any kind for any purpose. We may not be a failing state
but we certainly experience governance failure.
The best
hope we can have is that this too will pass and that we will survive this epoch
of mismanagement. That is not a given. Our adversaries sense our weakness and
may pounce on us at any time, or, more likely trap us into reckless reaction to
their provocations so that we may defeat ourselves.
The long
view does not develop overnight. It needs to be debated by the best minds in
the public and private domain. It needs to be incubated, challenged, nurtured, articulated
and communicated. That is what people like Senator Ben Sasse are good at. This
work needs, by necessity, now be done outside of the realm of the federal
government at any available public forum and in a bi-partisan fashion. And, if
and when a national strategy emerges from this long, arduous work, then it is
time for politicians like Senator Sasse to stand up and run for office on that
This country
deserves better governance than it has been settling for over the last decades.
It will only get the governance it deserves, if it accepts the discipline of
taking a serious, long, view of where the nation should be heading and crafts a
plan on how to get there.